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Beauty matters.

As humans, we crave beauty. In a world full of chaos, we’re drawn to peace, order, balance, and harmony.

Creating beautiful paintings is both fulfilling and meaningful to me. I hope my art will help turn your home or workplace into a haven – a place of peace and respite, filled with images that speak to you in a meaningful way.




Art for good.

It’s better to give than to receive… but here you can do both! Each purchase directly supports a worthy cause, as 10% of all proceeds are donated to charity. After all, generosity is a beautiful thing… and so is art!


The best-seller list:

What buyers are saying:

“The painting makes me feel good whenever I look at it. It reminds me that better days are coming. I love it!”

– Virginia L.


“The oranges art took me back to my Florida roots. It’s the perfect addition and makes me happy when I see it.”

– Julie C.


“The flamingos are beautiful and PERFECT for my girls’ room. The quality of the print makes it look like an original.”

– Justine R.

Flamingos 5x7.jpg

Hi. I’m Francine.

I’m really glad you’re here.

I aspire to reflect in my art the truth, beauty, and goodness I see in the world.

I love capturing inspiring moments and scenes found in nature, and it brings me joy to share these things with others through my work.

I hope you sense this love of beauty and feeling of contentment in my pieces, and I’d love to help you bring this awareness into your home or workplace with meaningful art.

Come say hi on Instagram!